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Toe River Arts | Textiles & Fiber, Drawing & Painting

Carmen Grier

CARMEN GRIER STUDIO (formerly Carmen Grier Textiles)

Painting and textiles

770 Wing Road
Bakersville, North Carolina 28705
By appointment only


IG: @carmengrierstudio

Carmen Grier has been creating functional and art textiles for forty years and is now adding painting to her practice. She has taught and exhibited nationally, and has been awarded national and international residencies. After earning a degree in music, Carmen soon found her way back to her true passion: visual art. She earned an MA from the University of Iowa followed by an MFA from Cranbrook Academy of Art. Carmen Grier’s studio/home are in rural Mitchell County, North Carolina where she resides with her husband, artist Terry Gess, having met in the mid-1990s while each was an artist-in-residence at Penland School of Craft.